Andréa Jones

Andréa Jones is a social media strategist who works with lifestyle brands to build their online presence through targeted social media and content marketing solutions. She's also the founder of - a membership community with everything you need to achieve visibility, growth, and engagement on social media.

  • Best Practices for Sharing Podcasts on Social Media in 2020

    A staggering amount of podcast referral traffic comes from social media. If you’re an introvert, that can be intimidating! Heck, even for extroverts, social media is hard. But if your goal is to increase your listeners and make a bigger impact, then it’s a powerful strategy in your marketing toolbox. Here are my top recommendations […]

  • Social Media Management for Life Coaches

    OnlineDrea Client Showcase - The Life Coach School

    Overcrowding in industries like life coaching doesn’t mean it’s impossible to get noticed. It just means you need to do something different than everybody else. Something to set yourself apart. Our client, The Life Coach School, is different. They have a unique message and approach that resonates deeply with their audience. But their problem? They […]

  • Pros and Cons of Starting a Facebook Group

    Have you noticed Facebook’s latest updates? While some of the changes are for the better, how Facebook is adapting its approach to group content comes with legit challenges. For this episode, I’m sharing Lesson 1 from Module 8 of the Savvy Social School’s new Facebook Savvy Course. I discuss important questions that’ll help you determine […]

  • Design and Social Media with Christi Cooper

    We’ve all seen social media feeds with a clear color theme and aesthetic. However, just because a post is attractive doesn’t mean it has a clear message. Christi Cooper explains what to think about when creating your social media designs, the 4 principles of a design that sells, what to look for when hiring a […]

  • Social Media for Coaches with Lee Chaix McDonough

    Whether you’re an experienced coach or just jumped into the online coaching world, how you show up and connect with others on social media can create the foundation you need to reach the audience you want to serve most. Lee Chaix McDonough explains how she used Facebook Groups to build her business, how she launched […]

  • Episode 100 & 2 Year Birthday Celebration – On Air Q&A Session

    In celebration of the 100th episode and 2 year anniversary of the Savvy Social Podcast, I’m excited to answer questions from my different social media platforms and members of the Savvy Social School. Even better, this episode is a video podcast and has a worksheet that follows all the questions about pivoting your business, marketing, how to show up on social media, and lots more. Cheers!