Maybe you’ve already built a following on social media, but have you established a sales funnel you can confidently say converts your fans into paying customers? Believe me, a sales funnel is crucial to your social media strategy if you’re ready to increase your reach and your revenue.

If you’re not sure where to start, have no fear! I explain what to avoid when creating your sales funnel, tips for how to prepare for a sales funnel, and the 4 simple phases of how to guide your audience from following to buying and wanting more!

In this podcast episode, I share:

  • 3 common mistakes to avoid when creating a social media sales funnel
  • 3 areas to prepare for your social media sales funnel: audience, offer, next step
  • 4 phases of a solid sales funnel: attract, build, convert, advocate
  • Details about my Social Media Sales Funnel Masterclass

Listen to the episode here:

Memorable Quotes:

  • β€œA sales funnel is a path that your social media followers take toward buying your products and becoming advocates for your brand.”
  • β€œYou need to get more people involved in what you’re doing so you can increase the number of people ready to buy from you…”
  • β€œOften times, your buyers are going to be the ones most likely to buy from you again, so make sure you’re treating those people right!”

Links Mentioned:

Free course
Sales Funnel Masterclass

This Episode Is Made Possible By:

  • Social Report: The world’s most complete social media management platform and my social media management tool of choice.
  • Savvy Social School: Everything you need to increase visibility, growth, and engagement on social media