Savvy Social Podcast

  • Using Personal Branding to Drive More Sales with Tolu Michaels

    Is being authentically you really enough to build a sustainable business online when we’re surrounded by big personalities and influencers? And how exactly does sharing our personality impact our sales and lead to more customers? During this interview with Tolu Michaels, she breaks down just how important clear messaging and personal branding is and how […]

  • When to Outsource Your Social Media Marketing

    There is so much value in outsourcing your social media, but how do you know if you’re ready to outsource or if your business is ready to make that investment? How do you know if the investment you make is worth it for your business? While outsourcing is a great way to fast track your […]

  • The Future of Facebook Ads with Emily Hirsh

    Should your business be using Facebook Ads and how do you get started without dumping tons of money into Facebook and risking it all going to waste? Facebook ads, just like social media algorithms, have changed, and the age of putting $1 in and getting $100 back has passed. But that doesn’t mean Facebook ads […]

  • Instagram is No Longer “just” a Photo Sharing App

    The news heard ‘round the social media marketing world is that Instagram is no longer “just a photo sharing app” and is now switching to a more entertainment, video based platform! The changes have certainly shaken up the social media landscape and have many online entrepreneurs wondering exactly what that means for their business and […]

  • Getting Started With Live Video with Restream

    Why is livestreaming so important in 2021 and should you be including it in your social media strategy? There’s a distinct difference in energy between live streaming and a typical static post that can’t be replicated, and in a time when our audiences are craving connection, authenticity, and interaction, live video can have amazing benefits. […]

  • How to Grow & Manage Your Social Media Community

    Community building is a central part of growing a sustainable business, especially in the early stages of starting a business or when you’re still using organic growth methods. Building an online community using social media is very similar to dating in some ways, especially if you’re an introvert. While we would like to just sit […]

  • Using the Story Strategy on Social Media with Erin Trafford

    People are naturally wired to connect with one another through story and today we’re discussing how to tap into that power to create authentic content that is aligned with your audience’s needs, but also, your needs as the business owner as well! We’re uncovering exactly why storytelling is a must have in your marketing strategy […]

  • Understanding Your Social Media Buyer’s Journey

    Today we have an exclusive sneak peek into a lesson from inside the Savvy Social School all about the importance of understanding the buyer’s journey when creating social media content for your launch. In order to have a successful launch, you have to understand where your audience is in the buyer’s journey and how to […]