The question of niching comes up often as social media managers begin to build their business. Should you niche? How does one choose a niche? And how does that niche impact business?

In today’s episode, Susan Ellis-Saller shares her niche of working with spiritual businesses.

In this episode, we talk about:

  • How Sue landed on her niche
  • How she’s able to support her business by using her intuitive gifts
  • How Sue’s business has grown since joining the Mentorship Program

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Memorable Quotes:

  • “When you're looking at tarot cards, it's a way to connect with your higher self and to get in touch with what it is that you really want in life and, and a way to kind of look at things through a different lens or different perspective.”
  • “A lot of businesses and especially spiritually based businesses are very hesitant to lead people to their offers. They are fine with giving valuable information…but when it comes down to driving traffic to the sale, they have a big block towards that.”
  • “There's a lot of wish your way into this wealth kind of thinking, but none of the nuts and bolts of how to do things, how to actually create and stick with it because if it doesn't manifest in three weeks, it doesn't mean you failed as a business owner.”
  • “Really having that foundational piece in place, kind of makes everything else a lot easier because then it frees up your energy. You don't even have to think about marketing really anymore. You just have to think about showing up and being awesome and sharing your experiences.”
  • “The marketplace is really shifting to more online, more courses, and things of that nature. So people need help with their social media. They need help with strategy. They need help with implementation.”

About the Guest:

Sue Ellis-Saller is a tarot card slinging, energy wielding, angel loving spiritual advisor and marketing agent who helps Spiritual and Sensitive Entrepreneurs learn to love social media and make a bigger impact in the world. Sue loves to learn about and teach about social media, content marketing, spirituality, energy, manifestation, and making the world a better place.

When Sue isn’t studying mysticism or learning about social media marketing, she’s laughing with her children, stretching, exploring the world with her husband, or trying to train her pups!

Spiritual Business Basics Facebook Group

Resources Mentioned:

Thrive Mentorship Program