This is episode 9 of the Savvy Social Podcast and today we’re talking all about Canva, my secret to creating social media images for myself and my clients.

Why are visuals so important? Well, check this out. According to, a person who hears a piece of information will remember just 10% of it three days later, while someone who sees that same information in a picture will recall 65% of it.

Learn about Canva’s founder here:

Find some Canva Templates:


[click_to_tweet tweet=”I’m not a designer so Canva helps me cheat in that area.” quote=”I’m not a designer so Canva helps me cheat in that area.”]

[click_to_tweet tweet=”I’m on a mission to make you a Canva convert. I’m preaching the Canva gospel!” quote=”I’m on a mission to make you a Canva convert. I’m preaching the Canva gospel!”]

Want to learn more EXACTLY how to use Canva to create stunning graphics for social media. Grab it here: