Are you a free spirit? Me too! Except with social media marketing because I wouldn’t own a nearly $1-million agency, run a successful social media school, and host this top-100 marketing podcast today if…

…I’d kept posting whenever “I felt like it.” That willy-nilly approach got me nowhere. And I see it stunt online business owners’ growth on social media. ALL. The. Time. That’s why I’m here today to teach you how to kick it to the curb.

In this episode of the podcast, I talk about:

  • How busy online business owners can create better social media habits
  • #1 shift to take social media from painful chore to satisfying practice
  • Finding your sweet spot for how long to spend creating content each week
  • Getting out of the “I-wanna-post-five-times-a-week” trap
  • 3 tools to help you build good social media habits
  • Business owners’ toughest habit to keep
  • How NOT to scroll social media all day because you didn't do THIS
  • The least glamorous habit with the greatest impact on your business growth
  • What all the looky-loos really mean for your social media metrics
  • Why you're MISSING results if you're only looking at one metric

This Episode Was Made Possible By:

Social Media Rockstar Framework Free Course
The Social Media Rockstar Framework is your chance to pull back the curtain and get insights on how to build a social media strategy that works for you, learn how to create (and implement) a simple and effective content plan, convert followers into buyers, and much more.
Register for this FREE course and gain the confidence you need to use social media as a tool to grow your business.

Sendible Social Media Management Tool
The all-in-one social media management tool that my agency uses every day to schedule posts and analyze our social media results. Try them out for yourself today.

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Memorable Quotes:

  • “If we don't have that system in place, we can have all these goals to post daily and be creative and hit these output quotas and have this amazing social media strategy — BUT it ain't gonna happen.”
  • “Social media can feel like this toxic relationship where we are constantly trying to figure out if we love it or hate it. We're spending too much time on it. We're not spending enough time on it. All of that goes out the window when you build yourself these three habits.”
  • “It's a tiny decision to make, right? How much time and what day, but that habit builds out a sustainable social media practice.”
  • “You're giving yourself time to improve, which is a beautiful thing as a business owner. Because social media is a skill. I had to learn it. My team had to learn it. You are learning it right now. So give yourself permission to improve one day at a time.”
  • “Now this habit is so important that it's regular. I say daily, but for us as a company, it's five days a week. We don't do this on the weekends. I don't do this on the weekends. And I think that's really important to set those rules and boundaries for yourself.”
  • “If no one sees a post and no one's even engaging, those posts are probably not showing up in the feed. And so people aren't converting and taking action based on those posts because they never saw them to begin with.”
  • “What it's done for my productivity is, I’m able to concentrate and focus so much more on creating things like this podcast. Working with my clients. Building out strategies. Because I'm not constantly distracted by social media.”
  • “If we're thinking about the social media sales funnel, not every client who follows you is going to become a client in the first place. Not every person who likes a post is going to pay you for the thing that you offer. They're at different stages of the buyer's journey. So you need to understand each of those stages — if it’s working for you and if you're actually seeing success in your business.”

Resources Mentioned:

Atomic Habits by James Clear
Episode 189 – 5 Reasons You’re Not Seeing Growth on Social Media
Episode 145 – 5 Types of Reporting Metrics to Consider Including in Reports